26 December 2013
Sorry, we only provide the Chinese version. 續上文,無論香港抑或英美的家長對於子女的學業都非常緊張,不少更認爲兒女能踏進精英學府校園就是人生成功的第一步。學生要考入名牌大學,就有如古人考取狀元般困難,必須能文能武,這説法毫不跨張。
23 December 2013
Sorry, we only provide the Chinese version. 為人父母,望子成龍,不少家長都嘗過為兒女奔波撲學校的滋味,走到九龍塘求一幼稚園報名表格,再跑上半山陪子女面試考中小學,甚至遠洋赴歐美參觀大學校園,赴湯蹈火,在所不辭。據說,港島半山區某一名牌幼稚園要求只有兩三歲的幼孩面試,被考核的對象根本就是小孩的父母,家長的背景、職業統統被問被查,名副其實「查家宅
20 December 2013
Sorry, we only provide the Chinese version. 立法機關議員利用議會的議事規則和程序,以各種形式不斷推遲和阻延審批政府政策或議案,以逼迫行政當局談判、妥協,或藉「拉布」阻攔政策及宣泄不滿,這在世界各地的民主社會都並非鮮事。
Sorry, we only provide the Chinese version. 終審法院推翻早前原訟法庭及上訟法庭對新移民孔允明女士投訴社會福利署一案的判決,裁定社會福利署要求新移民必須居港滿七年方符申請綜援的資格此一做法有違《基本法》第25、36及145條的規定,引起社會廣泛關注。由於此判決對香港未來於福利上的開支的影響深遠,故此我認為有必要就判詞的理據作出深入探討。
20 November 2013
Asian rich people tend to save their wealth for the next generation. Conversely, in the U.S., many of the super-rich such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates donated most of their wealth to charities, which is a much more appreciated way of wealth management. For the full article, please refer to the Chinese version.
18 November 2013
This article introduces some proverbs and idioms taken from Shakespeare's famous play "The Merchant of Venice". For the full article, please refer to the Chinese version.